Thursday, December 27, 2007

happy boxing day!!!

好開心又可以去尖沙咀呢個基地打邊爐, 因為好難得尖沙咀可以有個咁少人嘅地方可以大家食嚇飯, 吹吹水!

Thanks 塔, 多得你發起呢個飯局!

廿小姐, 你幾時可以出嚟呀? 我地計劃1月19-20日珠海1.5天遊, 重點係去我鄉下唐家個 」珍珠樂園」, 你點呀?

Mac, 點睇?

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas to All of You!!!

Hey friends, wish you all very happy in this season greeting! So how do you celebrate your Christmas time? This year I joined my church on the 24th to have a Christmas carol. It was a wonderful time. After the carol, we have a Christmas worship at church. My cell group members from church then headed to my bandroom and we talk and eat and drink till 6am this morning. It was tiring but memorial!

Hope to see you guys soon! Let's come out sometimes soon!
